I'll be there when you need me

WC: 407 {3 points}

Layla was starting to feel a bit better thanks to the help of her pack mates and some of the others she had met around Dahlia de Mai. Not only was her mood coming back up but she was also still not herself. She was helping her out more with her medical skills. Perhaps getting an achievement in the pack would help even more to increase her mood. If she kept up with her medical work, she would hopefully reach one of her goals of getting the co-rank of Apothecary. The mistress gave a small sigh as before she rolled out of bed. The morning was bright but the temperature was dropping. Winter was here and she was sure that snow would soon be here. Even though the female’s fur was built for cooler weather, she never did like the winter season. The she wolf just hoped it would pass by soon and she would have nothing to worry about.

Layla moved over to her closet and browsed through her clothes. There weren’t many outfits and only one she actually wore most of the time. The mistress grabbed her red top as well as her black skirt and slipped into them. They provided some warmth to her body, but not as much as her fur was. Once she was dressed, she headed downstairs and to her herb room. The black and white she wolf noticed that she was slowly running out of herbs and would have to go get some more. She got up and grabbed her supplies before leaving a note telling Saluce she was out to get more herbs. She was sure this would make him a bit happier seeing as he wanted her to take her depression in steps and try something each day. Once she was all prepared, she moved to the door and headed out into the world.

Thankfully Layla didn’t have to go to far to find what she was looking for. The aloe herb was growing on the banks of the river and it was free for her to take and use. The mistress took her seat next to the plant and took out the jar that had some aloe herbs left in it. She was restocking up on this one and would then look for some of the other herbs that she would need. So far it looked like today was going to be a nice and relaxing day.

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