trip on through the sands of time
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Well, he said contemplatively, How d'yu think 'bout thins? Castor was the one just surviving, right? So what did that mean to him? How kin it be mor' complikaet'd? It still sounded pretty straightforward in his head. Eating and drinking were essentials of life and avoiding death prolonged it. What else was there to it? Of course the factor of emotion and mental health escaped him yet. He knew not of insanity or falling in love or anything else that might complicate the world for a person. He didn't know about the madness that ran in his own blood or the dramatic love affairs that tortured others all over the world. Innocence was yet bliss.

I d'no, he said of the question, looking inquisitively at the 'Tears wolf. 'Kin y'splain more?


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