trip on through the sands of time

He supposed that made sense in more ways than one. Meaning and caring were very important. It was perhaps why he and his brother didn't get along very well -- they cared about very different things and believed in different things also. Their meanings weren't compatible at all and sometimes Arkham wondered if Andrezej really cared about anything worthwhile at all. All of his brother's notions and goals seemed so wild and outrageous and he couldn't begin to think what he would grow up into. He had an imagination, but even that couldn't come up with something as sinister as the potential future.

Do you care? he blurted the question, staring intently at the 'Tears coyote. And then the dog pup thought about the last statement. Y'kin n'ver tell when some'uns lyin', he said decidedly, not really knowing the depth of his own words. In the end, there was no way to prove anything. Truth was dependant on completely on faith: faith in someone else's words or explanation, faith in your own beliefs, faith that there was some base truth to base other truths on top of. A logical premise. But they all believed something to some extent. If nothing else, they believed that the sky was blue except at twilight and that the Loony Luna would rise every morning, even if it were blocked out by rain clouds. They believed that there would be tomorrows, even if pleasantness was not a guaruntee. Those were the implicit things, but the truth? Well, maybe all their senses failed them. No one could prove that.

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