trip on through the sands of time
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S'all good.

He nodded in agreement, envisioning in his head all of the grandeur he sometimes associated with the things the other was describing. The sea was a beautiful thing indeed, but it was dangerous too. Maybe that was what made it even more amazing though? He wasn't sure. Arkham knew that he thought it was a magnificient thing, but the depth of it escaped him still for the while. There were a thousand and one ways to describe it; he just didn't know all the words yet. A storm he had yet to really witness, at least not one powerful and thunderous enough to invoke awe. The sky? He could agree with that too -- it went on forever, but where did it go?

I d'no, the child answered, suddenly unsure of himself. He always felt like he was missing something. Isn't survivin' jess eatin' and drinkin' and not gettin' keeled? He managed that easily enough, especially now when he was still being fed by others, though he had begun to pounce some on crabs and seagulls on his own. Iss'ther'moar? It had seemed like a simple enough concept to him, but the other seemed so vague and mysterious about it that he just wasn't sure anymore.


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