Touch of Death

sswm 759

His insides churned with the usual hollowness, and Haku was as helpless to the immerse craving now as he had before. Self control had a whole new meaning within his damaged mind, and all the beast could fixate on was the need to pursue carnal satisfaction through flesh. Saliva untainted by heavy copper screamed of failure within his ghostly facade, and the creature within the hollow was fresh and alive. How he ached to rip her apart with jagged fangs coated with decay. Her scent was a fresh bud within his needy nostrils, and as she remained temporarily unavailable to greedy, unsympathetic teeth, the exiled man of Dahlia allowed himself time to analyse her scent, quickly establishing ties there. A black woman of Inferni, born from hybrid spirits had spoken gibberish of dragons and rebirth. Yet here he was, and he was dead; dead and about to be forgotten by those he had terrorized all these years. Had Eris Lykoi tried to guide him into an indefinite darkness? Betrayal was not received kindly, and his rage would shake the depths of the earth.

There was enough offspring of his roaming about to make a designated follower impossible. The curse in their blood had started with Haku, but who were worthy to follow in his footsteps? This body had eventually succumbed to the physical laws of this world, and he continued to seek another. The seeds had already been planted, but which ones would sprout and grown into a new monster seeking death to its fellow citizens? A whine sounded from the log, and it was only through sheer surprise that Haku’s reflexes moved too slowly for his jaws to bite through the little, chocolate coated girl as she rolled out of the log and onto the ground within his reach. Grass and dirt still clung to her as her panicked form forced her own legs under her and flew with a body fuelled by urgency and instinct. That was right. Run, little girl, the male thought as dark laughter stirred within deep blue embers, silent and constant. Did the young female even know who he was? His insides continued to burn without mercy, but the male was not above toying with his food, for he would enjoy this one.

Her round puppy form was agile when her situation was dire, but he was a fully grown monster; designed to climb out from the collecting darkness under beds to devour the child in the middle of the night. They had written stories about him, and he had known various forms as he had clawed at this earth and its citizens with greedy claws. Prince of hell, he would rise again in a new form spoiled with the same darkness that had led this vessel into madness. An era was over while another began. This girl, birthed by Ember Phoenix would not see a new vessel grow. It was not her, but her body would strengthen his with its flesh and beating heart. He heard them now, the familiar whispers of the hell burning hot under his feet. His time was sparse here, but privileges belonged to royalty, and he reminded them that soon, soon he would return home to those hellish pits.

”Where are you, little girl?” he mused, the dark grin forever present on his lips as his immerse form moved through grass and light underbrush. Cocoa ears searched for the lovely sound of her fearful heart. She was right to fear him. ”Come to daddy,” he continued, feeling laughter press its way up through his throat and into the cool air that should be only for the living. He was nothing more than an insistent leech in this deceased form, but it served well for a visit with the world that had banished him. They were all fools to resist him, but this was how it always would be, and the dark hearted male would not lie and say that this did not please him. He feasted on conflict and pain, and had done well while wearing this skin. Their victory had not resulted in his defeat, after all, for he had gotten to taste sweet blood and watch souls depart as fleshy bodies died. His time here had been nothing short of glorious.

His poor canine prey left a vivid stench of fear behind, and it was ridiculously easy to follow. He wanted more of this though, and mighty paws steadily sounded against the hard ground as he took his time to follow her fleeing form.

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Table by Mel!


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