New horizons and sights for my eyes


Tayui frowned when she heard a voice call out her name. It rang with strength, so she knew it couldn't be Claudius. He had not followed her to Anathema, preferring to remain in AniWaya where he was "safe". She turned slowly, wondering if it could be her son, returned again from wherever he had been doing whatever he had been doing. Vague assumptions culminated into vague ideas, but quickly disappeared when she saw that it was indeed her son. Any attempt to guess where he had been would be futile, so instead, she took his appearance in stride. She shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts so she could greet him and possibly even offer him a smile.

She winced when he pointed out her wounds; she wished he did not have to see her like this. She really did look quite pathetic and she hated knowing her son saw her like this. She had devoted so much time to preserving her image and ensuring no one knew about the hatred within her heart that this small break in her plan bothered her more than she would have liked to admit. She frowned and then shook her head, trying to come up with some sort of response that would make sense. She didn't want to lie to her son, especially when he was showing such obvious signs of concern, something she hadn't experienced since her encounter with Alaine.

"A hunting accident mostly," she replied. A half truth: she would soon be hunting Eris. "I left AniWaya," she added, addressing his questions in reverse.


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