You begged for forgiveness, but I struck you down


She kept her neutral expression when Theodoric introduced himself and nodded once in response. She tried to place the name, accent, and face to a time when she had lived in Jaded Shadows, but could not manage it. She just kept quiet and waited to see if he had anything else to add.

When he mentioned that he was from Jaded Shadows, she tried to figure out if she could remember him. Nothing! She was surprised, since she was usually pretty decent at remembering faces. She supposed he must have only been a member for a short time, otherwise she would have met him. She felt bad for thinking it, but he really must not have made much of an impression on her. It was too bad, since she had loved getting to know her packmates in Jaded Shadows. That was not to say she had not enjoyed it in Shadowed Sun or AniWaya, but in AniWaya, she had been so busy taking care of her children and keeping up with her family that she hadn’t had as much time to visit with other members. Since she was no longer a leader, it was also not as pertinent anymore. Nonetheless, she still felt bad, both for not remembering Theodoric and for not meeting up with as many AniWayans as before. But now, she recognized this disconnect and accepted it; perhaps she just never really tuned in to the AniWayan beliefs like the others had.

“I’m sorry; I don’t remember you.” She shook her head as a makeshift apology. “How did you find your way here to AniWaya anyway? In three years a lot has probably happened. Seeing Jaded Shadows destroyed must have been a shock, too, if you passed through that area.” Light conversation: certainly, she could manage that much.


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