Lyin' on the pavement with the misery on his brain

It would be kind of funny if someone got Tayui and Naniko mixed up for something. XD

Tayui whipped her head around at the sound of another approaching. The rest of her body quickly followed as she trotted closer to the source of the sound. At first, she could not see anything until she realized there was in fact a luperci in Optime form standing a few metres away. She craned her neck to see that it was a pure white female with startlingly green eyes. Tayui blinked in surprise and then frowned, wondering if this might be the same Naniko Theodore had told her about. She trotted closer and offered the woman a small smile, hoping it was alright that she was this far up the mountain.

"Excuse me miss," she called out as she trotted closer. Still in her Lupus form, she had to crane her neck even more as she approached to see the luperci properly. "Are you Naniko? A wolf named Theodore told me about a woman named Naniko and a pack named Anathema," she clarified. She did not want to scare off the other woman or creep her out. She hoped that offering this tidbit of information she would put the wolf at ease and hopefully learn more about the Anathema pack that was being founded.


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