I could crash and burn--but maybe
http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c73/p ... fthing.gif); background-position: center center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Concrete Jungle, I think?

Dierdre had heard the news a little late...but it was probably better that way. She didn't want to run into Lucifer, and was trying to find a time to visit her mother while he wasn't around. She couldn't wait to see if her little siblings were okay, and how Deuce was doing...it was hard for her to keep away. But she didn't want to get into an argument or a fight, not with Deuce and the pups so close. She felt that if she did see him, she would end up arguing.

She had been eating better now that she was living in Jaded Shadows. She hadn't had squirrel in such a long time...she hadn't realized how much she had missed it. When she'd been living with Pilot, it had felt wrong to eat squirrel, because he had been raised by them...but she had grown up eating it. Now that she was eating it again, she felt a lot better, actually.

The white wolf padded through the streets of the human city, heading to the area where her mother's scent was the strongest. She reached a house, one that looked vaguely familiar. She went to the door, rapping on it with her knuckles. "Mom?" She didn't really know if Deuce was here...and she didn't want to intrude if Lucifer was still there.


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