Light of Sagittarius

OOC: Indeed <3, and you never told me what ephemeral means D: fine I'll google it ¬¬

The silence that accompanied his words was expected, the reaction to them wasn't. At first he just couldn't believe it, shock and denial written all over his face, but the sheer passion in the words was unmistakable. She didn't want him to leave...Hell she wouldn't let him even think that. Throughout her entire rant, a life changing experience for Kemo as it opened his eyes to the truth, he merely sat in stunned silence, taking in every word as if the Moon itself was speaking to him, and when she was finished, he continued the silent treatment for a few moments, taking it all in.

It was only after a few moments that he was able to speak, her words echoing within his mind. He shook his head. "Ralla...You want so badly to convince me I've done nothing wrong, that you want nothing more than to be here at my side, but I just can't figure it out...." Everything she said came whirring back through his mind as if he was fast forwarding a movie. She doesn't think I don't deserve her. She doesn't want me to leave. She thinks I don't need to protect her from myself. But the most important thing, the most obvious little detail...she worried about him. The entire time that they were separated, she was thinking about him, was worrying about him, but was it as much as he was? She didn't want him to be alone...What exactly was it that she wanted?

Despite the hard time he was having convincing himself that there was no way he was awake, the fact that it was possible that Ralla cared about him as much as she seemed to was one of the most amazing feelings he had ever felt in his life, perhaps more so than the..."events" that took place not long ago. Ralla...if only he could see her face, even just once. She was such a wonderful wolfess, someone he would gladly spend the rest of his life with, given the chance. "Ralla...I can't believe you care so much about me. I know that any other wolf, coyote, jackal, whatever would just tell me to go, good riddance, never to see me again, but not you."

He listened for her heartbeat, determined where her scent was strongest and headed in that direction, stopping when he heard her breathing at its loudest, even so much as feeling the slight breeze that was her breath hitting his chest. "I just can't figure out why...Why Ralla? Why care so much about a simple wolf like me? Is it because you don't really know me? What I'm capable of? Because if that was the case, I could open your eyes to the truth." At that moment he remembered the special gift Clover had given him and he walked over to the tree to pick up the bag, taking out his supplies and sitting on a rock near Ralla. Rolling up a joint blind was no easy task, but it was simple for him as it was the only way he knew how.

Once he was finished wrapping the package, he smiled and pulled the little box of matches from his bag and lit it up, the sweet scent of cannabis filling the air around him, putting his mind at ease. "Now then Ralla...there's something I want you to know." He took a puff, exhaling the smoke as he spoke. "As much as you worried about me, I worried about you as well. There were so many times where I nearly just ran to you again. I don't want you to be alone and I don't want to be alone. I don't want you to worry about me either, and I want you to be happy, and safe. But..." He took another deep drag. "After what happened last time we's hard for me to put you in such danger like that again...I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I hurt you..."

Kemo ”talks”, walks, and thinks.

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Table by Fae

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