Wintery riding
SSWM: 482

Hibernal was the next day and she would spend the whole day hunting. Conor had explained the tradition to her (and at her insistence many of the other Dahlian festivals and traditions she had been unaware of) and she took to the idea at once. Though as a child hunting had seemed impossible, life without the sport now seemed unimaginable. Nayru was a different being when she hunted, and to deny that half of her would have been unnatural. Tomorrow she would indulge to her heart's content, uncaring of how many live she took. She would suffer no guilt, knowing that the flesh of those she slaughtered would soon be in the bellies of the Dahlians when Conor lit the bonfire and they all feasted. The anticipation for the next day was almost unbearable.

Yet the day would come soon enough and until then she had other duties to attend to. Wahrer. She took the job seriously, as she took any job that Conor gave her. The moon cycle before she had been just a spaher, but with no wahrer to report to. Now her job was much the same, except that Gideon and Saul had been promoted to right under her. And they both did well, rarely did she have to speak to either of them about the borders for she could smell the lingering scents they left behind when she did her own border rounds. Which was what she dedicated this whole day to. She would remark every inch of the Dahlian borders before Hibernal tomorrow, and already she had done the whole east border and was working her way west when she heard the unfamiliar call.

On two legs she did not travel very quickly, though one could not call her stride slow by any means, and she arrived upon the scene not immediately. Yet the caller was still where the sound had originally come from and Nayru slowed herself before approaching him. She was still some ways off and doubted that he had noticed her, the wind wasn't in his favor and unless he looked directly towards her she was easily overlooked among the snow and shadows. Creeping up she did not mind if he saw her then, but she made no effort to announce herself until she was only a few yards away.

"Hello there sir. Could I help you with something?" The young woman strode forward, her head high and ruby gaze on the man's face. She took in his horse and thought of Liliana in Aniwaya, the only being she knew to own and ride a horse. Yet this man's scent was not of that pack but rather a pack unfamiliar to the fairy girl. Well, soon enough she would know the name of that pack too, and store it away in her brain with all the other tidbits of information that Nayru felt important.


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