OOC- Can we set this to the 13th Jan?

J'adore span round, 'Oh yeah! This is Fuerte, Inez and Vasquera' he gestured to the respective horses, with Vasquera throwing his head up in defiance. 'Quera' J'adore corrected, scolding the cremello stallion. J'adore set down his brush and smiled, 'I'm J'adore Austral! He frowned, he haden't been around recently, Cercatori business mainly, so he hadn't had a chance to speak with her before. The pack medic, if J'adore's memory served him well. 'Quera brayed from the stall to J'adores right, forcing him to put a comforting hand on his snout. 'Quera silenced and went back to eating his hay. J'adore peered over the stall to his left and saw the sleeping yearling Inez, his chestnut chest rising and falling happily as he wiggled in his sleep. The only horse intrested in the newcomer was Fuerte, the grulla's head was streached as far out of his stall as his powerful neck would allow him.

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