Passing Candle Light

Beginning & end of Alder and Heath's relationship . After this they have a long conversation about horse and life and such...

It was simpler, to drift away from the Manor where no one could look at him. Life wasn’t as simple as he had once hoped, the world was a hard place and Alder was only starting to understand this. His mother was caring as always, but he was feeling the eyes of his brothers watching him as he continued to look to her for her attention.

His skin itched, like the muscles beneath it were rejecting the tightness and needed to feel a new freedom. Alder stopped in his step, back ink dipped paw coming forward to scratch at his shoulder. He was behind, Anu had told him of Cypress and Oak, and the way they looked and Alder was growing jealous of his brothers. She did not push him, or say that he needed to shift but he felt the need.

It was only morning, the sun was hardly over the tree line, and Alder walked through the snow that had newly fallen with stiff and aching legs. His large paws could hardly feel the cold, the dark pads felt as if they were on fire and melting the white snow beneath them at each step. His shook his head, clearing the thoughts that clung to his brain with self-conscious adhesive.

Was it like this for everyone, the unknowing and confusion before the necessity that he felt now. He didn’t know, and couldn’t tell how it had been for Cypress and Oak. But the want for it to happen had come to a need that his body now told him was coming whether his mind was prepared or not. Of course it wasn’t and if he could even truly know what all this meant he would plead for what was to come to give him just a few more moments to prepare.

But it did not.

The boy fell to the ground, his hind end first as part of him still resisted, and the change of his body began. He was an unwilling victim, scared to the point of terror. His form shook, and blue eyes of the sky and water closed so tightly that tears bleed from their corners. They flowed freely, and his chest heaved to the point where he simply laid on the cold ground in the hopes of easing the weight he felt in it. He cried out with each movement of his bones, the changing of his muscles and the stretching of his skin.

It was quick, but when the boy lay on his flat chest and stomach stiff and frozen he question still if it had ended. He lay for a many moments, feeling first his breath and then the tingling sensation in the tips of newborn fingers return. His tear stained face lay on the ground, a large rounded ear pressed against it. Through the snow he could hear the muffled sound of steps, but it was not the same as the paw of his kind.

Alder took a hesitant inhale through black nostrils, and closed his eyes tightly as he recognized the scent of a horse, and a stranger. The warmth of a heavy breath, the soft touch of a moist nose and mouth brushed against his head and face. Blue eyes opened at the sound of a voice, the pounding of his heart making the words inaudible.

Are you alive? it said, and the Dreaming male flinched at the touch of a wolfen hand. Yup he heard, with the huff and whinny of the horse. The mare did not give up, and her touches became nudges. He opened his eyes to meet her nose, and he moved slightly. Up you go. The other spoke, but Alder did not look away from the dark face of the blue and gray. Large hands took hold of his heavy body and lifted him so that he could sit. A black hand came to his head to cradle it, and Alder hardly realized that it was his own limb and did not belong to the stranger.

The masked male turned his head, looking at the seemingly-coyote male. He smelled of Haven, and Alder became less fearful. She is stunning. He said to the unnamed man, his voice cracked and his throat painful from before. She is. His new friend said, a smile on his face as he gave a light toned hand to help Alder stand on new and unfamiliar legs. The mare stood beside him as well, his black painted fingers intertwined themselves in her mane and she pulled skyward.

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