Tracks in the snow
'Three, this coming May' J'adore said happily. He was only young, yet he had seen his share. He had travelled at a young age between countries and as a result found it hard to sit still. Yes, I came by boat, I came from Lisbon, Portugal by boat. But I had to walk from Santander. The walk was long and tiring, but he'd made in there faster than expected. Nian surveyed the area. They were now in the middle of a forest of thick trees, with the creek running by on the left. Further along, he could see the start of the small groupings of berry bushes by the stream. Nian pointed in that direction. 'Good, I'm in the mood for elk, there were loads in the Moscow area. Luperci had started to farm them, like cattle with humans'. He had learnt a lot in Russia. The language, the culture, the cuisine, the way of life. He hadn't learnt how to hunt though, he had learnt how to prepare the meat, how to take it off the bone and cook it. Thats where he had earnt his knife, a small community of Luperci had taken him in and taught him how to cook and build. When J'adore told them his plans to leave, they awarded him a knife. 14'', strong, solid and stainless steel. It was one of his most prized possesions, he cleaned it daily and sharpened it weekly. 'I know how to cook meat, but I don't know how you cure it or anything, I have a few books on it in my hut, but I've never read them much' J'adore admitted, slipping his hand into his bag, 'I've got this chart about cuts of meat, I bought it in the UK, at a meat market, they had cattle there and the nicest cuts of Highland beef ever!' J'adore was nearly drooling at the memory of the market, the meat was cooked in front of you eyes and the meat was the best around.

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