Tracks in the snow
'I don't actually thing they were full domesticated. I think it was more a case of keeping them like the cattle and horses we have in the stables...' J'adore wondered if Fuerte was okay, he hadn't seen him in a few days but he was sure Liliana was taking care of them Which reminds me, I should check on my horse'. AniWayan ways were simpler, humans used to over farm cattle and treat the badly, well in certain places. 'Yes, I imagine we should be fine' J'adore nodded along. They moved into the bushes and started to search the ground. The snow around the bushes was free of tracks, but when they moved closer to the creek, Nian grinned. Pointing to the mixed mud and snow near the stream banks, they saw plenty of recent tracks. The air was thick with the smell of far away elk. Nian dashed through the creek, water flying everywhere. He beckoned for J'adore to follow him, which he did, gasping at the temperature of the water.

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