
Table by me

Her mind lay focused on what she needed. She hadn't even thought about talking to Alaine or having someone here. Well she fiured the good thing was there would be no snappy female here this time. This time it would just be the two of them then. She smiled to herself focusing on the light contractions that were flooding her body. One followed after the other so spread out she wasn't sure how long this would take.

She could hear her mate and she smiled opening her eyes looking at him with those dashing crystal blue eyes of hers. "Love, your here." she said smiling. Light the fire? Wait had it gone out? She looked oh yes it had in this form she relied on him keeping it going and she hadn't even noticed it went out. "Yes please." She said smiling. She lay there thinking her mind wasn't focused she couldn't seem to get focused.

"I don't know what we need. I don't know I can't think." This was different as well this was not how she did it last time.


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