So What If It's Overcast?
J'adore nodded, 'If you ever need a teacher, I'm your man' Yes, he'd taught Nian, Axelle and Voron a thing or two and was only happy to do it again. A few minutes later, he was in Ralla's hut, she again apologise for it's flaws, but J'adore shook his head, 'It's fine' he knew that some homes were not as homey as others, but people did as they could. The fish she offered up was small, but tasted good. Smoked to perfection, J'adore grinned as he ate, 'These are good! he said, pondering about the elk. 'We smoked some of the elk myself and Nian caught, personally I like fish better...' he said quickly finishing his fish off. J'adore paused thinking suddenly that this really was only a meal for one. 'My apologies for raiding your food stock, but also thank you, I would not have had the time to fetch dinner for myself'. He didn't have anything is his food stock and hunting wasn't really an option at this time of night, so Ralla had saved him from hunger. Shifting into a more laxed position as Ralla spoke, when she had finished, he smiled, 'Thank you, that was lovely'he hadn't known anything about his role before he had arived at AniWaya,now he was learning the basics, step by step.

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