saw death on a sunny snow

OOC: x3

Ah, the silence. Had he not responded before, Miriette might have thought the man disliked her presence and wished her gone. She almost believed he did anyway, judging by the scowl'd expression and gruff answers. A hermit, maybe? All the more fun to play with later. Hermits tended to be unsocial and easily frustrated. But this fellow, he seemed like a rather boring hermit. Smoking and clipped idle conversation didn't make one a social butterfly, after all. It made one the villain sitting at a table playing cards with washed up actors and old men. He spoke, ebony satellites swiveled to his voice while an invisible smile escaped across the length of widened fairy maw. He was going to Phoenix Valley after all...

Steely gaze looked shortly back at the hybrid male, searching his eyes for a physical reaction. Still nothing wild and interesting for the coywolf could be found. Perhaps she hadn't been forward enough yet. At least he was speaking to her, if only in clipped sentences. "Ah. Phoenix Valley... pretty place in the spring." Could she really call it home? Having only lived there a short while, with the majority of it engulfed by revenge-driven plots to slay the Phoenix Valley leader, an amnesiac murderer, her estranged father. The chocolate hued man was many things to Miriette, but what she would tell this stranger involved none of it. "Now why would you be going there? Planning on joining?" That was her reason, anyway. His would hopefully be more interesting than that.

As they padded along, Miri contemplated the hybrid brute's appearance, deriving his coyote heritage with little qualm, to say the least. The other part, that was tougher- some sort of dog, she decided, for his pelt to be colored in the manner it was, and for the amusing curl to his tail. She absently wished for hair colored like his, but soon dismissed it. She was shaded as her father was, much to the initial dismay of a young Miriette, but to the elder woman's advantage. She fit in better this way. The cherry red brute beside her, well, he would stick out like a sore thumb. Boy was he lucky. She chuckled quietly at the thought of standing out color-wise as she did in terms of her personality.

Stubborn, wily, forward. Quiet at the moment. She would have to fix that after she'd finished feeling out the expressionless redhead beside her. "Do you ever do anything other than scowl?" She asked pointedly, head leaned to one side to stare at his handsome facade. Really, you would think the man capable of more than a slanted lip and squinty eyes. Bother him. At least she was having some fun. Creamy maw upturned once again to the heavens, admiring for a moment the darkened shades of the dying day before settling once again ahead of her. Finally she lowered her arms from their position behind her head, and instead twined them behind her back, the slender fingers settling just above kit-like tail.

Talk. Think. Walk.

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