Are You A Mouse or A Man?

Derp-de-la-pup? <3

Tony sped alongside his father, practically flying with all the bouncing and bounding he was doing. All movement save for the impatient wiggle of the pup's tail ceased as his father crouched to the ground, Tony following suit. For all that he wanted to be stealthy, his tail still wagged and was like to spin so fast it would carry the pup away. His father asked him what they had to do next, and Tony had to scrabble around in his brain for a few moments to process anything but 'get the nasty rabbits'. "Uh...catch them? What else do you do, Dad?" Other than find the prey and catch, just what else did one do? Walk up to them and have a conversation? Tony honestly didn't know.

He had seen some of the other wolves stalk prey once or twice, but he thought that was just because they were showing off how silent they could be. That wasn't Tony's style. He liked to make a big 'BANG!' Did his father want him to mimic the others and be quiet, too? Mulling that over for a few moments, he corrected his question, wanting to please Jazper. "Creep up on 'em...?" he tried again, more tentatively, more unsure. It was all so new and exciting to the pup that all he could do was imagine the praise he would get when he ousted the rabbits from their peskiness. Well...that, and he wanted to see what would happen when he did in the first place. He had snuck up on Fia and Zo hundreds of times and sat on them till submission. Was hunting the same? It sure seemed like it...

Guardian walks. "Guardian talks." Guardian thinks.

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