La Saoire Na Mairbh
OOC sorry I'm late.

Pendzez had been follow a butterfly from his cabin on this day. It seemed to have been leading him somewhere. When ever he paused, the butterfly seemed to have done the same and waited for him. Whenever he turned away, the butterfly would get in front of him and lead him back on the path that it was leading him down. He had to wonder. What was so special that would get this spirit to get the white male involved.

The trail seemed to be going to the graveyard, where the bodies of the deceased humans were resting under the dirt. The butterfly stopped at the entrance, the white male saw a group of the pack mates gathering together. What was so important that this spirit would lead him to it? Not only that, but how is it that it can go past the entrance? He joined the group, seeing Ty and Rendall and Geneva and Adonis, and a few of the other members.

They spoke certain stories, seemed to be on how they lost someone dear to them. When it was his turn, he spoke, "I lost my parents when I was of a young age, somewhere in my half year of age. I was out to get some berries, coming back to see my parents dead. Taken from me and my sister by rogue wolves. Not just them, but a pack that seemed to where I was born, the one that called me 'The Spirit King'. They were taken by a neighboring pack, that did not believe their beliefs and grew jealous, then hateful of them, eventually killing them. Now, it's me and my sister that are left."

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