Play me a Song, Fiddler
[html]The world was calm today, though it was the heart of winter, the wind was on ease today, bed ridden to leave the male to enjoy his playing in privacy. Or... as private as the outskirts of a strange pack got. The ground was compacted where he sat, so he knew that he was not the first to set himself down here. Not that it mattered, because for the current time being, it was his and only his. Nobody could just come and take it from him. Now that would be a fancy sight now wouldn't it? Jensen's red ears perked up on his head as he heard a faint flute. So, he was not the only being in the land that played any sort of instrument. That intrigued him, to the point where he was about to set his own lemody to rest to investigate.

There was no feed, the sound was becoming increasingly strong on it's own. The carrier was coming close and Jensen let his eyes close. His hands worked in a single motion it seemed, his left hand would press and release strings while the right would sway too and fro, causing the hair to sing. The rest of his body was still, he danced mentally, though one would not guess such a thing by looking at him. He could hear footsteps under the music and knew that whoever was responsible for the addition to the chords was standing close. Though the notes did not end at that point, he carried on for a moment longer before the flute fell silent. Jensen took the liberty of finishing the chord before letting the Violin fall to his lap, orange eyes opening to view the stranger. He was tall, taller than himself by quite a distance actually. Well, that was.... impressive. Hello, was that all he was going to say? Well, better than nothing. "Hey there. Always nice to see another lover of the musical arts. You carry quite the breathe when it comes to using that thing. Flutes are quite the instrument. But sorry, I suppose you want to know who this bloody brute is? Name's Jensen O'Callaghan." He gave a nod to the taller male, though he did not stand up or make an attempt to explain himself. Why should he? He was doing nothing wrong.

Jensen was never the type to let an action go unaccounted for, words, yes, but he would never dare do something like letting his Violin even touch the ground without his meaning. So the wooden instrument sat in his lap, one knee slightly raised in a relaxed position. The bow was strewn atop of it, but the hairs on each did not clash to create any noise. Jensen knew this man was from the pack, he'd be thick to not understand that. He wasn't a bloody moron.[/html]

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