i laughed the loudest; who'd of known

Anderung. She was another wolf from Storm. So she hadn’t got out of here yet either? Icarus shook his head, wondering if the rest of Storm had abandoned them. Did his father not see him when he awoke and left their den? Icarus was positive he had fallen asleep with his father in the den beside him. How then, had he escaped without so much as letting the young wolf know? The disbelief of this whole situation was almost more than he could handle.

As Beppe took a few steps, Icarus followed after him, determined to get out of Storm. He kept his eyes closed to just small slits, as the smoke scorched them and they watered red. His throat burned and he wondered, would they be able to find their way out? It was hard to tell which way was which, but he figured any where would be better than here. "Let’s get out," he choked, blinking both eyes.


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