Move Your Feet
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It had been months since Aro had come home to a very stern talking to about hi little trip to Dahlia de Mai but only a short time since the Knight had been able to move around after the bear fight. With laying around for a couple weeks straight Jazper was determined to run around all of the territories he knew flaunting that he could leave Crimson Dreams of his own accord without someone bugging him to take better care of himself. He felt like a young wolf allowed out of his pack for the first time, ready to run here and there exploring and meeting new people. Well, he wouldn't be running of course since it he was still being careful not to rip open the now thin crust of scabbing but he was happy that he could just wear his new pale blue dress shirt open and not have a bunch of bandages on his chest. Instead others would just have to look at the four half inch wide scabs that ran from he left shoulder down to his right hip.

Today he was set on visiting the wolfess who had first caught his boys attention. Lucifer had never wanted anything to do with his relationships with girls growing up and he wasn't going to be that way but at the same time he knew that Ghita could be a little overbearing. By going to Dahlia de Mai he fully intended on meeting the girl in a way that to her might be 'by chance' or at least he hoped. Jazper only wanted to meet the girl face to face and introduce himself as Aro's father, nothing more. What kids did or didn't do was their business for the most part and he would let them have their fun and be there for Aro if he changed his mind or kept this girl around for awhile.

Getting close to the northern pack the warrior started to pick up an fresh trail of deer and the female's scent, or someone very close to her as Aro had come home reeking of this. Putting his nose to the ground in his halfling form he tracked the scent of the deer and the female named Nayru. Almost all at once he heard the rumble of deer hooves on the ground. Running a slow trot he tried to cut them off, stepping out from behind some trees to see a black and white girl chasing a young stag. Smiling he started off like a bullet, his massive size making even the stag look like an easy target. Leaping he slammed the stags body into the earth and quickly ended its life by breaking its fragile neck in his jaw. Looking up to Nayru his golden eyes awaited a reaction. It would be interesting to test how she would react. Ghita would have beat him with a stick if he was a stranger killing her deer. Taking his paws off of the dead stag he turned to face the Dahlia member.


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