The Good That Won't Come Out
OMG. Let's wrap this up. My last post. You can post once more or not Matt! thanks guys! <3

Cherry eyes continued to scrutinize her guests as they interacted, her presence merely facilitating the event rather than being the event. They were both there for her, but it was the interaction between the two that interested her more than their interaction with her. So often a silent creature, her retreat with words did not seem to be noted by either males, and it was not long before Gideon excused himself. Bowing her head low to the boy, her voice was barely there as she bid him goodbye. "Thanks for sharing my meal Gideon." It was right he should return to Range and Melee. Nayru found no despair at his departure, knowing well enough that his absences in her life, no matter how long they could be, were temporary.

Alone with Saluce she chewed slowly in silence, not caring that no words passed between them. Only when she was sure Gideon was gone and out of earshot did she speak, though even if he had been lingering her soft voice never carried farther than a few feet at most. "And thank you for sharing this meal as well, Saluce." Eyes that had not met his just then lifted, and she titled her head, considering the man for a moment before speaking again. "And for everything else." So much of herself had come from him, but the time was nearing that teacher and student were more on equal ground, there was less for Saluce to give and less for Nayru to take and the girl wasn't sure how their relationship would change in the next year, but she was sure it would in one way or another.


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