M. you belong to me, my snow white queen. [p]
WARNING This thread contains: strong language, drug/alcohol usage, and some sexual content starting with the #5th post. Reader discretion is advised.

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For Naniko. SSWM: 553

Fiachra laid in a quiet corner of the caves she now called home, twisting her rosary around in her hand. She had been napping like this, sprawled out on her back, paws propped against a wall of the cave. Now, she was barely what anyone would call awake, but not asleep anymore. Her eyes were closed as she played out a dream she had been having. The pictures swam across her eyelids and she smiled. She had been having nightmares every single time she slept since those monsters had done as they pleased with her, and she was glad for some peace. Anathema was the best thing that had happened to her in a long time, it felt like. She had not been away from home so long, but it felt like forever. No, she told herself. That isn't home anymore. This is home. This will be home for a very, very long time. Maybe permanently. She liked the idea. A place to call home forever. What a glorious idea.

She thought about the events of the past few days. Itachi and his childlike behaviour, his desperation to impress Naniko. A lot of analyzing had told her that the boy felt more for his leader than simple trust and respect. And Naniko.. the queen. She was, as Itachi seemed to have gathered, exquisite. Fiachra wasn't sure how she felt about her alphess quite yet, but she shared blood with her now, and there was no turning back. She hoped that the lady wolf would like her, if not respect her, but this pack seemed quite full of others who were much like her.. scarred, paranoid, fucked up. Damaged creatures banding together. And she was one of them, damaged, unable to heal completely. Fiachra had once been told that time heals all wounds, but she felt now that there was a serious mistake in that piece of advice, because no time could heal the wounds she had acquired since leaving home.

And yet, she had no regrets. She regretted nothing about her travels, because it had opened her eyes. She held no resentment, no malice toward those who had done her wrong.. okay, that was a lie. She would kill them and eat their insides if she ever saw a single one of them again. But the reason for that had more to do with revenge and self satisfaction in knowing that she had overpowered those who had caused her so much pain. And yet.. pain had woken her up from her dreamy little fantasy land in which everyone was nice and meant well and nobody would ever hurt each other. Not that she had ever really lived in that world.. but she had been born after the time that Kitten, the alpha of the pack opposing her father's, had eaten his own brother as a puppy. That was not her world, not her reality. Now, the myths seemed real. Killing, maiming, raping, ravaging.. these things were real. She knew this now.

No regrets. She was here now, so she had damn well make the best of it. She would enjoy her new home, her new packmates... and the memory of blood and stinging and beauty which was the dream that swam across her vision. She did not sleep this time, but dreamt nonetheless.


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