Final call!
Holding the unshifted Phoenix over his shoulders, Skoll turned back to see the blaze high above the Moaning Woods and Storm...the home that had done so much for him. His amber eyes followed the blazing leviathan along its length, as if it were some mythical beast and all he needed was to find its weak point to vanquish it. He knew that stopping such a thing was impossible, still...was everyone out? He was moving slowly, Phoenix weighed heavily on his shoulders. He'd said something about his kids, and the two of them had done a cursory search of Storm between the old alpha's den and their exit route, but there hadn't been any luck in finding the big brown wolf's progeny. Knowing that they had probably escaped with Pilot, Skoll had gotten out of there in time to avoid being swallowed by the smoke, and then the inevitable flames.

A long howl escaped the bronze wolf's jaws as he faced the inferno, not sure if he wanted people to respond or not. He hoped that he was the last to leave, anyone who had stayed longer was in danger, but if they were out there, he needed them here to make sure they got out. He emitted another howl. He would keep it up for a few minutes, and then depart...the fire was traveling along the fields now too, as the forests were reduced to kindling.

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