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OOC: WC:712

A plain dark shadow, creeping through the night, with bright toxic eyes staring hungrily upon... the tree. Fallen stopped in front of a swaying spruce tree, his eyes blank, but they had light excitement. Spruce was used to make the instrument that he played, that he lived, that made his heart beat... a violin. He wasn't a fiddler, in fact, he almost never fiddled, it didn't feel right for such a beautiful instrument to play such rowdy and loud songs. He sat upon his bottom, his legs if front of him, one on top of another. He looked upon the tree, the great tree, that may even be used to make an instrument one day. He sighed contently, as his paws were behind him, keeping him from laying on the ground. Not to long ago, the minimal speaking male got accepted in to the pack, the pack of singers and dancers, the pack of music and writers. Craftsmen and Painters. So many, it almost overwhelmed Fallen to a great extend, but he knew which he wanted almost instantly. Music. Music was his heart beat, the breathe from his mouth and nose. The blood flowing through his body, was produced by the music. He wouldn't be alive without it. He wouldn't want to be alive without it. He sighed with gentle gusto, as the leaves rustled and the branches swayed, making their own music of nature, as he laid his head upon the grassy ground, his green eye towards the bright blue sky. He blew his bangs away from his socket, letting the dead skin and empty hole appear to the world. This was unusual, but it needed air. No one was around to gasp or shriek, no females to think he was a mad man, and one of his victims just happened to take his eye. No males to criticize about his ugly scars, no pups to run away, begging for their mums. He closed his eye for a second, before he was taken away, into the land of his mind.

A place where his siblings were at peace with each other, Chain wasn't jelous of Fallen, Sila was there too, no longer kidnapped, she was happy, and full of sisterly love for her brothers. Fallen had his other eye, which worked with great ease. He had a normal face, a normal personality, normal skills, and a loving family. His parents were there, everyone he had once cherished with his heart. Not anymore.... The image broke, his family in millions of pieces, throw into the pits of despair. Fallen was alone, in pure blankness. But now, both of his eyes were missing. He couldn't see, he couldn't hear, he couldn't do anything. Soon, he went black, too. That's when he woke up, back into reality. He was sweating slightly, but he shook it off, quickly adjusting his bangs back into place. He had that dream quite often, he never understood the meaning, but it frightened him. He was scared of his future and past, but he couldn't escape them, no matter how hard. He stood up, upon his long, strong legs, and began to sing a little song, "Hush little baby, now don't you say a word. Papa's gonna buy you a mockingbird. If that mockingbird won't sing,Mama's going to buy you a diamond ring. If that looking glass gets broke, Mama's going to buy you a billy goat. If that billy goat won't pull, Mama's going to buy you a cart and bull. If that cart and bull turn over, Mama's going to buy you a dog named Rover. If that dog named Rover won't bark,
Mama's going to buy you a horse and cart. If that horse and cart fall down, You'll still be the sweetest little boy in town. So hush little baby, don't you cry, Mama loves you and so do I,
" Fallen sung with his eerily deepish voice, of light tones and gentle tunes. His mother sung this to him when he was young, but it was his song. Sila and Chain had their owns, but he felt as if his was truly heartfelt. Fallen looked to the sky, his eyes with a light tone of sadness, but otherwise, blank.

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