i'm gonna burn this whole world down.

All welcome for those involved in Conri's new pack. Takes place in CT, then on the border between Moaning Woods and Storm, close to the Unexplored.

___Smoke. Suffocating, strangulating smoke... Anya's eyes opened wide as she sat bold upright in her den. Outside, there was fire. How had she slept so long? It was creeping closer, and for a second, she was frozen in terror and confusion. What had caused this? How far had it spread. No time for thoughts. She was up within moments, and as she shoved the few things that had been out of her bag into it -- a book, and her jacket -- she wondered if anyone else was even alive. Her body moved with the type of strength and agility she'd not dug from the depths of herself since before her mother died. Even the long trek to these lands had not required this type of speed. Her breathing was ragged as she threw her bag over her shoulder, silently grateful for having passed out with all her clothes on. She barely paused to look around. The den was empty. Her body moved. She was out before she realised she was running.

___This fire, it wasn't a game. Life or death. Survival of the fittest.

___She struggled to find her way around flame and falling trees. She fled first towards the Northeast, running clear into her grandmother's grave. Tears in her eyes, she knew she couldn't stay. "I love you, Gran'mama," she whispered, choking on thick black smoke, then ran. Ceres wouldn't have wanted her to burn in order to stay. She ran the other way. There was only water to the East, she knew, meaning she would have to run towards the South or the West. As she ran, she decided she should go West, and changed her direction accordingly. At some point, her breathing became too laboured to withstand the increasingly heavy smoke. She tore off a piece of the bottom of her shirt and held it over her muzzle, filtering the smoke out of the air she needed to survive. Survival, that was what mattered. She was pretty good at that, as it was. She tore through the burning lands as quickly as she could, but 'quick' was a relative term. Everything was relative now. Nothing was stable. Nothing was ever stable.

___In a blur, she wondered if she would be the only one left alive.


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