[M] Will you be there for me?!

I can kiss away your fears.

Alrighty. (:

"Ah." Her voice was still quiet, but above a whisper. Her cheeks held onto their pink tint as he kissed her hand. She was debating whether or not she should tell him that she had just learned how to shift herself.. But then it might lead to another uncomfortable conversation. One that involved Kemo. She gave his paw a gentle squeeze before speaking again, she had to tell him.."V-verto.. Not by choice..-" Her words stopped suddenly, and her hand went limp in his. "..And, not by blood." She hoped he understood what she meant, since she didn't know if she could just come out and say it.

She drew both of her hands up to cover her face, shaking her head back and forth. It hurt to say it aloud, even if it was indirectly. She didn't want it to be rape.. But if she would have tried to stop him.. Or put up a fight... she had a feeling that he would have killed her. She sank down to the floor, sitting and keeping her knees close to her. A voice growled at her, scolding her for showing such emotions.. But she couldn't help it. "O-Of course with you, if you'd still let me.." Her voice shook from overwhelming sadness she was experiencing. She knew she wasn't pregnant, but the events had still taken place. She couldn't stop some of the sadness from rolling down her cheeks, but attempted to soak them up with her paw pads. Some of the tears hit the floor, sounding like low falling raindrops when they broke upon meeting the tiles. He breaths were coming faster now, barely quick inhales. They sounded a bit like inward hiccups to her, and were quite uncomfortable. Oh, how she wished Chip was here. To nip at the tips of her ears, or wedge himself between her paws and face. Her shoulders shook, causing her to bend over futher. "STUPID."

If you'd let me..

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