Of Mice and Men (or wolves and rats)

Voron turned as a stranger's voice addressed her, her brown eyes narrowing to slits with automatic suspicion. She knew that any wolf you didn't know could be a danger. However, when the brown male took a rabbit out of his bag and offered it to her, she couldn't help but reach for it. Is he crazy? she thought, He doesn't even know me! Still, she took the rabbit gratefully, and, holding it a bit self-conciously by her side since she lacked a bag, she thanked him.

Well, she almost thanked him. The black female was just opening her mouth when the stranger spoke in a strange tongue. It took her a moment to realize he was addressing her rat. The rodent seemed to understand what he had said, and relaxed a little. Then the male turned his attention to the squirrel Voron had failed to catch, and spoke a few words to it before it fled. Voton was too shocked to say anything for a few moments. She had heard stories of wolves who could talk to lesser beasts; in fact, she thought they might have had one in her old pack. Not that she had ever payed attention to the boring adult stuff when she was younger. Now she wished she had. Voron was immediatly fascinated by this... this communication.

Finally finding her voice, the black wolf spoke; her words were slightly accented, hinting of far off places.
"Thank you... For the rabbit. My name's Voron. How did you do that? Talk to the squirrel and rat I mean." Voron stared at him wide eyed, knowing she wa probably being rude with her bluntness, but utterly enthralled by his powers. He could talk to prey! Suddenly, she was determined to learn this language of the lesser creatures.


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