You make me feel like I am home again
It was strange how simple decisions that seemed meaningless at the time could often turn themselves around into life-changing events. Then again, that was how life was; he reasoned with himself, life was full of little happenings that led to big changes. It was a process that never got old.

Such an event was preparing itself before Betelgeuse, though he could not know it. The Del Bosque runaway had found himself thirsty and in finding his way around the unfamiliar territory, had located a lake. What it was called was unknown to the man, though he didn’t find the answer of much importance anyway. He was simply stopping for a quick drink as he explored his new home.

But as Lady Luck herself would have it, at the precise moment that Betelgeuse neared the lake for a little hydration; a gathering was preparing to take place. Unbeknownst to the young adult, a pack was nearing its creation. Slipping along the bank to reach approach the male who seemed to be the ringleader of this small group, Betelgeuse neglected his thirst and watched silently through light blue eyes. ”Hello there,” he said with a clear accent in his voice. ”Would it be too much trouble for me to join you?” he asked, cocking a brow. ”I am Betelgeuse,” he introduced himself, leaving off the last name that would have immediately gained him recognition in his former home. Here, it was just another name, a name that didn’t need to be said for the time being.


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