You make me feel like I am home again
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out of character::black engulfs the dying


Like Nocht, I am always late, lol.

we launch ourselves into the bright::in character

The previous night Nocht had simply collapsed into a deep and dreamless sleep in the nearest clear space as soon as they had halted. More unconscious than actually asleep, it was still more restful than anything she'd had in recent weeks, her dreams haunted by demon coyotes among other assorted nightmares (The one with the mayonnaise had been particularly disturbing and disorientating.). Even as the sun rose she was reluctant to come to, muttering to herself and turning onto her stomach to shield her face from the sunlight determined to pry her eyes open. Eventually the sounds of the others moving about convinced her to rise and she rubbed a hand across her eyes to dislodge the last cobwebs of sleep from her vision. Suddenly remembering the events of the night before her hand shot out, panicked, for her bow. She found it easily where she'd left it, lying beside her where she'd passed out the night before and calmed. She spent a moment inspecting it and like her it was a little the worse for wear, black with soot and she could see tiny bite marks from when she'd been carrying it in her mouth, but overall it had stood up admirably. Satisfied, she placed it back on the ground in plain sight, where she knew she'd find it.

She wandered off then to find the others, listening carefully and using her nose, following the telltale scents of smoke and singed fur. When she came upon them finally they were gathered together in a loose group and she rolled at her eyes at herself, sighing gently, as she realised that once again she was late. She took up a place near the back, nodding to Conri and Naniko in silent acknowledgement. Apparently late was going to be a theme for her. There was another wolf here too, one she didn't recognise from last night and her gaze lingered on him for a moment, inspecting him.


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