[P] Something Useful for a Change
OOC: So I guess you can just deadify the other one that we had?

Slade wanted to do something right. He had been acting immature as of late, throwing rocks at houses and getting his head stuck in bushes. Everything he had said that he could do or be had proven to be a lie thus far. Today, on a chilly winter evening, he was determined to prove himself useful. This would be a little difficult, seeing as he was trying not to let his imagination get away from him, but he wasn't about to get demoted to an omega. He was going to act like a hunter without seeing himself as one. He had a feeling that he was going to fail, but it was another one of those things that was worth a shot.

The fact that there was no grass to stalk through helped and didn't help at the same time. Slade found himself cracking a layer of ice atop the snow-covered ground with every pawstep. Scowling, he knew that he would have no luck hunting by stalking, so he switched techniques. Sniffing the air, he tried to pick up the scent of a rodent, bird, anything he could find. After what felt like eternity, he picked up the smell of a mouse. Pivoting his ears in the direction of the smell, he realized that the mouse was just off to his right. Casually he began to walk forward, and when the distance was shorter, he bolted.

Slade scared the mouse out of its hiding spot in a bush, and with a squeak it began to scurry off. The hunting coyote gave chase, and for a moment he almost let his mind get away with him, nearly starting to see the mouse as a huge deer which he had to bring down alone. He pounced, springing forward swiftly and burying the mouse beneath his paws. Quickly he bent down and killed it with a swift bite to the neck. Hunting was a great pastime.

Picking up the mouse in his jaws, Slade suddenly realized that he was not hungry. Figuring that someone else might want his catch, he set out and started moving towards Thornbury. He began to wonder how a Luperci in Optime form would go about eating a mouse.

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