[P] Something Useful for a Change

OOC: That was hardly a wait; what are you talking about? XD
Wrap this up after your post?

Slade tilted his head slightly at Shawchert's response. "Of course I can go back to being a coyote, right? Can't Luperci shift into their Lupus form?" He somewhat understood what the wolf was saying, that he could never be just a coyote again, but the real significance evaded him. He found the topic of becoming a Luperci intriguing; as the leader himself said, there were no huge disadvantages.

"Besides," Slade added after a short time, "I can't really be a writer without hands. Like you said yourself; I don't think I could be a true writer if I only have paws to work with. It would be rather hard to hold a pen." Feeling that his argument was complete, he took a few laps at the water and turned his attention back to the carving Shawchert was making.

Slade was running out of conversation ideas. Besides, the water wasn't very warm anymore and he was starting to get cold. He stood up and kicked some snow out of his hind legs. "Well," he said after a brief pause, "I suppose that's all I have to say for once. Thanks for everything, Shawchert, but I should probably get going; there are lands to explore, adventures to be had, and endless stories to dream up." He dipped his head quickly. "Hope that tree comes along nicely. If you get hungry, there's a mouse buried in the snow near a tree somewhere."

Realizing once again that Shawchert likely had no intention of eating a scrawny mouse when he had hands to cook with, Slade snapped his jaws shut and turned away, starting to walk away from the house of Shawchert Menue. Congratulating himself for actually carrying on a conversation, even if it was mostly pointless, Slade wagged his tail and trotted into the snow-covered forest. It was always nice to do something useful for a change.

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