As you’ve probably heard by now, a snowstorm will be ripping its way through Nova Scotia. Inferni is going to be effected by this as well, so it’s probably a good idea to read through this and get yourself ready for what’s going down.

Trouble in the Mansion!
The first day of the snowstorm is going to be brutal. With high winds coming from the west and the north it seems inevitable that the Mansion would take the brunt of these attacks. A large tree falls and collapses the Mansion’s shed, completely destroying it. Any glass that has survived until this point is destroyed by the bitter cold, leaving many members scrambling to close up their rooms. With the weight of so much snow on such an old roof holes are collapsing all over—maybe even in some bedrooms.

- Any member living in the mansion has the option of having a hole appear in their room (if they live on the second floor). All members must deal with the windows being broken, so think of creative ways to close them up!
- We are encouraging people to work together and make sure that the mansion survives the storm, since it does seem like the building might not make it through without some help.
- Members might be wandering in to stay out of the cold, so that fire’s going to need to be fed. Maybe some old furniture could do the trick…

Thread Leader(s): Valkyrie
Participants: Saraqael, Silas

Old Woman in Peril!
While most of the caves are safe from the snow, it seems that by the second day of the storm a large chunk of it has blocked off a few caves…Kaena’s included! Gabriel will be trying to dig her out but certainly call for assistance, so keep your eyes open for that optional pack thread.

Thread Leader(s): Gabriel
Participants: Sage, Sepirah, Talitha

Like Crazy Russian Trees
If you’ve ever watched Wild Russia or lived through a bad storm, you might know what happens to trees when they get overburdened with ice and snow. A lot of the trees in Inferni have been showing signs of strain, so it won’t be any surprise when they begin to snap and collapse from the weight.

- If your character is caught unaware, they might be injured by a collapsing tree.
- Some prey (or other animals) might be hurt as well.
- It will certainly make for something startling if your character is nearby when a tree collapses.

Thread Leader(s): Ezekiel
Participants: Talitha

Swamp, Ho!
So those hot springs we have? With the amount of snow coming down, the land around there is going to be getting mighty squishy. Mud waist deep has been reported in some areas, making for treacherous crossing.

- Main Plot -- Cotl's horse Maschine has gotten stuck in the mud! Saraqael has tried valiantly to rescue him but ended up stuck herself--looks like a few extra hands are going to be needed!
- Prey animals might also have fallen into the muck and become stuck. That might make for easy pickings…provided you don’t get stuck as well.

Thread Leader(s): Cotl
Participants: Saraqael, Itzal

Major Rockslide and a Mystery!
The amount of snow that falls onto the mountains proves to be too much for the cliffs to handle. On the third day of the snowstorm a large section of earth collapses, destroying much of the accessible routes up to Goldsglen Peak. While the Fornholdt is still partially accessable, this too is damaged by the rockslide and snow. However, while most of the clan lives south, one member lives on the mountain—Razekiel Lykoi. No one has heard from him since before the storm!

- Want to look for Razekiel? Search parties can consist of up to three members, as Gabriel still believes the mountains are unsafe, and with good reason. Please note, your characters will be unsuccessful in their searches and find nothing..
- Accidents! While exploring, a member could become seriously injured by loose rocks or snow and require help to get back down to the Waste.
Thread Leaders:
Participants: Sage, China, Clover

Wolf in the Fold
An Anathema member has gotten lost in the storm and stuck in Inferni's territory. With the recent death of the youngest Ulrich brother, will the wolf make it through the storm alive?
Thread Leaders: Itzal
Participants: Kesho, Valkyrie, Pontiac*

Upon learning of the dangers of the mountains, and their lack of availability to the clan, Gabriel and Kaena will make the decision to shift Inferni’s borders once more. Details of this move will be forthcoming, but the general area has been chosen— click me!

For organization's sake, we'll be allowing members to both lead and sign-up for these plot-related threads. If you're interested, please respond here with your character(s) and which threads you're interested in. Members can participate in as many threads as they'd like!

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