PLOT - SNOWSTORM - Dahlia de Mai
Hah, you thought we would be spared!?

As Dahlia de Mai currently holds the largest piece of claimed land, it’s only natural that the damage scale is likely to be great. Here is where I need you guys, for I would gratefully accept suggestions for both plots and damage done to territory!

—Although one would have expected the centre of Wolfville would have found a sparse amount of isolation from the cluster of buildings, the damages are stunning. A multitude of buildings have given into the violent weather, most likely results of years without maintenance and upkeep. Wolves who have their homes in the town in the heart of Dahlia de Mai are highly encouraged add damage to their homes, either partly or fully; standing now without a house.

—The beautiful cemetery in Flander’s field is partly destroyed; with tombstones scattered within relatively close proximity of the graveyard. Virgin Mary has fallen, though she seems more or less intact, thankfully.
—The harbour in Berwick has been splintered to bits.
—St.Pepins Vineyards have taken a heavy blow as well, with fallen buildings and surrounding flora torn up with their roots.
—Overall, signs of the violent blizzard will be apparent everywhere, with fallen trees and damaged structures, though in varying grades.
—Saluce's shop goes up into flames.

Note that nothing here is final; these are mere suggestions still, and people can respond and switch and plot as they like. Tried to include all currently interested members into three threads.

A February 5
Conor’s home in ruins! Bris, Shiloh and Eclipse are trapped inside the house! Oh noes, and Shayna is trapped partly under the fallen tree and fragments of the house(?). Someone needs to get them out and rescue poor Shayna before the house possibly collapses!
Thread leader: Saul

B February 5
Range is lost in the snowstorm! Halp! Perhaps the puppy has fallen down into one of the many devilish snares in the Demon’s tail sub-territory? Scenario open for discussion!
Thread leader: Conor

C February 7
This thread will be set after members have been rescued from Conor’s smashed house. Now Saluce and his shop is on fire! A tree has crashed down into the shop and the building has started to burn with Saluce in it.
Thread leader:Saluce

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