Off the beaten path
SSWM: 561

Nayru had been pulling dead leaves from some of her potted plants when she heard the bark outside the stone wall of the garden. Ears swiveled at the interruption and the woman paused, hand mid air and she waited, but no more sounds came from outside. Deciding it had nothing to do with her she went back to her task, humming softly to herself as she went. Her plants, which had started as a small collection, had grown in both size and variety and more and more time was required to keep them all alive and healthy. Unwilling to spend less time hunting, patrolling or training Nayru often forewent social interactions. So rarely was she among the other Dahlians her increased solitude was barely noticed, except perhaps by Gideon, and she was growing less concerned with the doings of the others. If someone barked outside the garden that was their business.

Picking up the bucket from near her door she exited the greenhouse, leaving the door slightly ajar. The walk to the well was not a long once and the cold air that entered her house wouldn't harm the plants much, it was easier than trying to push open the heavy door with a bucket of water in her hands. Moving across the garden she moved out of sight of her home, the well was well concealed behind thick hedges that grew and stayed green even in winter. As she attached the bucket to the rope of the well her ears perked again at the strange yips that seemed much louder now than they had before. The voice was unfamiliar and Nayru left the bucket were it was, slowly creeping around the hedges and surveying the garden from her hiding spot.

Crimson gaze was met with an unfamiliar figure moving across the garden at the other end. For a moment Nayru's heart froze, the figure was all white like the lady of her dreams. Yet the fear quickly left her for the grace this woman moved with was all different and as Nayru watched she noted that this living woman had golden eyes as opposed to the navy eyes of Nayru's ghost. The stranger moved about and the fur along Nayru's nape rose a bit but several scent samples taken from the winter's wind told the woman that this was indeed a Dahlian and the apprehension Nayru had felt at the unfamiliar voice quickly left her. The garden was open to all Dahlians, at least those who could find a way in and on silent feet she moved back to her well, drawing up the bucket and detaching it from its rope. Full of water she carried the bucket, slow and steady steps as she rounded the hedge to find that the figure had made quite a bit of progress in moving across the garden and was heading straight towards her greenhouse.

On quick but nearly soundless feet Nayru closed in on the four legged figure. The woman was almost inside her home when Nayru was only but a yard or two away from her and the soft and sweet voice of the ruby eyed angel called out, loud enough for the stranger to hear but not a decimal louder. "Greetings." And she stilled her gait, still holding the bucket, and waited for the other woman to turn and face her.

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