Off the beaten path
Siku found herself smiling again as Nayru spoke. 'Don't know why I keep them'. Siku thought it was plainly obvious why Nayru kept them! Growing life made the ruby eyed beauty happy. The white she wolf could tell the moment she saw Nayru lugging the big bucket of water through the door. Golden eyes rested on the younger wolf as Siku watched her thoughtfully, imagining her as a mother. Siku had never let the thought of bearing puppies reach her mind, for she never had the desire to find a mate before. However, she could so easily see the two toned wolf in front of her being a great mother; at the right age of course. This was the impression Siku got, seeing the maternal side of Nayru through the caring of her plants.

White ears flicked up in interest as Siku caught the word 'book'. She had let her mind wander again, but Nayru had quickly reclaimed her attention as she mentioned a book of plants. Golden eyes scanned over the plants as the red eyed luperci mentioned poison, and Siku decided not to go about feeling up the plants again until she'd gotten a look at this book. She did not desire itchy skin or swollen red eyes. Fangs flashed in the light, one long and sharp, the other broken as Siku grinned at Nayru. She was intrigued with the idea of studying a book, especially if it would help out another Dahlian. Her new friend.

"Yes, I can read. I'd be more than happy to give your book a peek, and since I have time on my hands, perhaps I can help you classify these too."

Siku swept her hands in a motion towards Nayru's precious plants, and then placed her hands on her hips. If only Siku was better at writing.. She could even write a book for the two toned she wolf in front of her. Draw pictures of the plants. Siku assumed that if Nayru knew what the plants were for, she would take advantage and put them to use. With a soft sigh, Siku wished she knew how to write neatly and draw. It would be easy enough to search for plants she already knew, and skim through the book Nayru had to find useful plants. The harder part would be keeping all the information she found in someplace besides her head.

"I just need to figure out how to document everything I learn if I do so.."

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