Off the beaten path
Siku's small hands cradled the book carefully as golden eyes scanned the cover, interest growing as the arctic wolf eagerly ate up every word she could see. The Encyclopedia of Flora. Siku read in her head, repeating it several times before deciding to open the book. She treated the book as if it were extremely delicate, eyes just skimming a random page that was bookmarked. She quickly realized that Nayru had marked off some of the plants she grew, and smiled. It would be easier than she thought! One plant was right on the page she opened to. She recognized the picture with certainty. Siku took a moment to read a bit about the plant she had found was named Hemlock; Conium maculatum. She was quiet for a moment as she read about the plant in front of her. Perhaps it was useful? 'All parts of which are poisonous'. Backing up a bit, Siku scratched her neck as she coughed nervously. She'd read enough to know not to get too close to the Hemlock plant.

"Not sure what that shady sounding Hemlock would be good for. Thank you for this, It's been so long since I've read a book."

The arctic wolf made a mental note not to go near the plant again, smiling at Nayru as she held up the book. It would be the first book she would read without the help of her long gone mother. However Siku kept this off her mind and let the excitement of having a new book to read flood her thoughts. She knew she would probably have her nose in every page from cover to cover, absorbing all the information the words would offer. Like Nayru, Siku wanted to be useful. One ear twitched as Siku listened intently to the younger wolf, thoughts forming in her head. Spring was nearing, maybe Siku could help Dahlia by studying the book and harvesting the seeds of important plants they might need. Herbs for healing, cleaning infection and even plants to make tea. If Nayru would grow the plants Siku would find as she explored, they really could help their pack through the younger wolf's hobby. Siku wondered if this idea would appeal to the crimson eyed girl.

"Maybe I can find valuable plants for you to grow. Like, special herbs that could benefit the wolves of this pack."

Siku paused as Nayru spoke, curiosity clear in her voice. Siku hadn't even made much of an effort to introduce herself, and smiled sheepishly as she came to realize this. The she wolf was just a strange new Dahlian that had stumbled into Nayru's home. Siku rested her eyes on the floor in front of her, wondering where to start. Where was she staying? Well, Siku had to be honest with her new friend. That didn't make it easier answering. Siku did not want to sound like she was a helpless pup who needed shelter.

"I do stay.. Around Wolfville. I don't stay in buildings like the rest of them though. I don't know anyone.. Except Saul. He is very kind to me. He offered to let me stay with him."

Siku's ears flattened as she spoke, her tone slowly becoming shy as she spoke of the handsome wolf she had met at the borders. Saul was the one who had first welcomed her to the pack. It was true, the slightly younger wolf even told her she could live with him if she had no home. Siku found it to be a very generous offer, but decided not to become a burden to any Dahlian. She was supposed to be proving herself as an asset! Yet the white she wolf had not yet done anything but explore. Nothing notable was done for her pack so far. The golden eyed she wolf began to feel troubled over this fact, one arm around herself as she sighed.

"I said no though, I don't want to be a burden to anyone. I need to find ways to help the pack and belong.."

Deep inside, Siku was afraid that if she did not quickly find a way to fit in, she would lose the home she'd been accepted into not too long ago. The arctic wolf had gone far and traveled hard to find Dahlia. She was determined to become a true part of the pack. To her, this meant becoming useful and valuable in any way she possibly could. Meeting another Dahlian besides Saul was a step, and Siku found herself very glad to have stumbled into the ruby eyed beauty's greenhouse.

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