This Seems to be a Recurring Pattern...
SSWM: 352 lol thanks!

The black and white fey didn't have to travel far from the borders of Dahlia de Mai to be within the almost sunless depths of Ethereal Eclipse. The flower pack had successfully claim a portion of the shadowy forest for themselves and Nayru often wandered this section of the pack land when free time permitted, the gloom seemed to console the girl when her thoughts just wouldn't quit coming. Her wanderings would, at times, take her out past the boundaries Conor marked as their home territory and Nayru allowed her aimless feet to wander where they would, hardly paying any heed to where she ended up. It was never too far from Dahlia de Mai, these rare excursions, and it was easy enough to follow her own trail home. Even if she did not have her scent to track back, the girl had an unfailing sense of direction. From any of the surrounding territories she knew where all the other packs lay, especially Dahlia de Mai, and she could just turn herself towards home. Getting lost had never been a worry of her's.

It was on one such excursion that she came across the massive brute, quite suddenly for she had not come up behind him. There had been no trail leading her to him, and the wind was not in her favor that day to forewarn her of his presence. Yet like the deft spy that she was, Nayru was aware of him before she made herself voluntarily known. Her footsteps were soft and almost soundless, her slim body well distributed even on only two feet, and she took care not to brush up against anything to cause the telling sounds of rustling branches or snapping twigs. For a moment she surveyed him, before approaching, and when she did approach her steps were slow, her gaze steady and her light, airy and sweet. "Hello there sir. Excuse my intrusion, I am Nayru, of Dahlia de Mai." She bowed her head in deference to him and then lifted her head, crimson eyes calculating his every detail but her face placid and pleasant.
table by kahilli

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