[M] -- Promises broken...
OOC: Sorry for being a bit late! ^^;WC: 593

Fallen dodged a claw, but just barely. He growled lightly to himself, but it wasn't directed at Sky, it was more directed at himself. He should have know, he was like a stranger, she was in pain. Who wouldn't freak out if a stranger came along and rushed into your room, and began touching your belly? Stupid, stupid, stupid! He just wanted to hit himself in the face! He shook his head, it wasn't the time right now for him to be getting mad at himself, it was time to find out what was wrong. He could tell this female didn't want him coming near her, and so, he gave her a bit room. Fallen looked into the snow, and saw blood. He blinked. Was she bleeding from...? He hoped she wasn't, were he pups injured some how? Or was it her? Or both? He knelt, and looked at the snow for a minute, before lifting himself. He fixed his jacket quickly, and said, his eyes clear and calm, as he spoke,

"Shawchert, Take her inside, please. It is perhaps a bit warmer."
Fallen listened to his leader for a moment, before darting his hand into his bag, and pulling out a tattered, yet warm, blanket. He held it in his paw for a moment, looking lightly upon Sky, for anything wrong with her. Most likely false labor. He moved slowly and carefully, with a calm, yet kind exterior around him, hoping not to frighten the bewildered female. He laid the blanket easily upon the girl, Before backing away quickly, and thinking.

Fallen instantly got a thought as he heard Shawchert hum. Fallen's ears instantly perked at the sound of music, the music he so loved, the music that was.... well, music to his ears. His ears twitched slightly, as he began to speak,
"Shawchert! Play your flute! Maybe that will calm her down? Any familiar tunes that she may know?"
Fallen instantly bustled inside the house, after trying to quiet the goat, which was grating on his nerves. Fallen soon heard as Sky growled, in completely wolf tone, of making Fallen leave. He paused, his teal eye slightly cold as they fell upon Sky, and spoke in a simple, yet defiant tone,

"Nope. I won't leave. Thank you, have a nice day."

He chuckled to himself, although he knew it wasn't the moment. He sighed, and thought for a moment. Fallen watched her for a second, his eye simply blank, as if it was a glass eye, yet it wasn't. It seemed the pain was slowly fading, but it could rise at any moment, and who knows? His other eye could be gone with a swipe of her claw. He sighed, and put his hand to his head, against his bangs, and started to swish them around, show a bit of the socket, then disappearing, showing, and then disappearing. It was basically what he did when he was trying to the think. He touched the scar easily, feeling the leather like skin against his fingertips. He scratched the scar softly, which showed his frustration. He was calm, this wasn't the worst thing he had seen, but these two! Both freaking out! If only he could snap his fingers and make them be quiet! He sighed to himself, and blinked.

"Shawchert, do you know when she is due?"

He repeated the question, his voice mellow as he watched them both, his chest slowly exhaling and inhaling air, the scent of goat, blood, Sky, and Shawchert.

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