[M] -- Promises broken...
Out of Character


In Character

His eyes watered as she grabbed a fistful of fur and pulled him to her. Oh that hurt… and she was now angry at him. He didn’t blame her but he had not been thinking about it, he just wanted her to be calm… warm and calm. Oh but he wasn’t sure it was worth getting his chest fur ripped out by an angry she-wolf. Fallen seemed to have been much more prepared than Shaw ever was and pulled out a blanket of his own and tentatively threw it over Sky. Shawchert could see when she had more pain because he went to trying to sooth her as she seemed in so much pain, kneading her shoulders in a massage, his humming grew louder and his look more worried.

Fallen mentioned they should go in the house, and Shaw was torn… Sky would rip him apart, especially as she spoke of not wanting blood on the floor. Fallen was right though, having Sky out here was not going to help her in any way, and she seemed to add to her comment… the back room… That was good enough for Shaw. He gingerly tried scooping her up, as she answered Fallen but she had another bout of pain… Oh his poor Sky, Shaw worried for her now. He cared about the pups inside her, though they were not his, but he cared more for the woman that has stolen his heart. Once the pain subsided, Shaw picked sky up as easily as if she were nothing more than a tiny little brick, except he held her with considerable more care as he moved the woman into the house and out to the back room, it was much better than it was outside, he knelt before laying her on the stone floor and looked over to see if Fallen had followed. In any case it had seemed before he had moved her that she did want him to play his flute.

Grabbing the instrument that was around his neck he put it to his mouth, his hands were shaking from fear for his girlfriend, but he began to play. The tune itself was wavering at first, as though he could not remember it. That was not the case… he was so worried that he might not come back with Sky alive. He had seen wolves die of blood loss, or something that happened during a birth, even one so early. His playing continued though, the soft lullaby that she had taught him. Playing it seemed to sooth him some, and hopefully sooth her, he had moved so her head lay on his lap. She was free to move anywhere, but he wanted to be close to her, to make sure that nothing happened to her. the rest was up to fallen for now. Shawchert was doing all that he could, all that he knew and he was cursing himself for not knowing what to do. He was quiet the whole time afraid to talk, afraid that if he did something terrible would happen.

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Table by Shannon B


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