OOC- J'adore has also brought Vee a gift...

J'adore had been sent a message to visit the treehouse today. He had taken his time on his walk there, the day was beautiful and the birds sand in the trees. He soon got to the Cercatori borders and made his way through Thornbury and up to Vee's treehouse. He had met up with her a few times since December and this was a visit like no other. But it didn't mean it didn't brighten his day. He knocked softly on the door, wondering what was so important. The note was in scribbly Russian and crudely written. J'adore had packed his bag and set off at 9am that morning. He'd ate his breakfast of rabbit and berries and drank a mug of hot water, before reading the first chapter of a book and leaving for Cercatori. He untied his scarf and place it in his bag. Pulling out a pair of identical Zinc jigsaw pendants on dog chain's. He put one around his neck and waited to give the other one to Vee. He saw a clump of silver in his eyeline. The fixed necklace of Alaki. He had removed the broken cord and kept it as a trophy, before repairing it with a silver and white cord. he had meant to travel to the Quartz to return it but never got to it. He hoped Valinta wouldn't be too worried about his scars. He still limped badly and there was a band of white bandage around his chest, another around his shoulder. But the slash under his jawbone was uncovered, it wasn't too bad, but it was in a lucky place, a few inches lower and... J'adore gulped, yes he was very, very lucky. He came out of his dream world when he heard footsteps from inside the house.

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