Sand Cut

Voron withdrew some dried willow bark from her bag. She gave it to J'adore, telling him to chew it. It would taste very bitter, but the paste could be pressed into the deepest of the wounds to help prevent infection.
"If this is what you look like when you win, I'd hate to see you when you lose!" Voron said, teasing him gently as she cleaned his wounds. He had done a good job cleaning them out with salt-water. It would be best if she had some purified fresh water to rinse them out, since the dried on salt would cause pain whenever his wounds re-opened. "When you get home, boil
some water and wash out the wounds with it,"
she said. "That willow bark is going to go in the big slash on your chest, and the scratches around your eye. I don't want either of them to get infected. In about twelve hours you can rinse out the Willow bark paste. Most of your wounds will be fine left open, but the one on your chest I want you to bind with a fresh cloth every morning and night until it starts to heal."
The female was aware then she sounded bossy. She didn't mean to, it was just how we mother had always taught her to act when she was healing.

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