car wrecks and plane crashes.
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    Hollow, empty she walked the streets. Darkness had settled, moonlight the only light source that washed the city in pale silver. She could of cared less, about anything really. Apathy was her only friend now. Indifference, and hatred followed her—hatred and anger for the demon who'd stolen her soul. She was but a pretty little doll, all dressed up in delicate features and raven's hair, but she was rotten inside. Damaged and worthless, a disease plagued her, eating away at her insides and leaving them blackened and burned. A soft smile touched the edges of her lips—the painted on expression of a mad-man. Gold eyes stared back from the mirror leaning against the door, abandoned by some human just before his death so long ago. Disgust filled her, twisting her pretty little face into a frightening expression, curling her fingers into a fist.
    Glass glittered in the moonlight, raining down to the dark street with a soft tinkling like a thousand bells. A dark wetness pressed on her fingers, flowing freely from the gashes inflicted by the broken shards. She stared at it a moment, before moving inside the building to find something to stem the stream. Grabbing a rag, she seated herself back out on the sidewalk, pressing the cloth against her hand while allowing thoughts to sink deeper and deeper into a black abyss, clinging to a past she'd rather forget, yet found herself unable.
    After all, she'd deserved it. There was no one to blame but herself. But in the end, she'd get her vengeance.
    She vowed it.

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