Little Girl

The night didn't seem so cold with her father, or so dark. It was like she was a little girl once more, a princess who had the world before her, without fear of anything. It only lasted a moment, but it was a nice thought. She was safe within the territory of Inferni. No one could find her there, or take her, or hurt her. She was surrounded by family that wouldn't allow it. There was nothing to fear in the coyote kingdom, since Andrezej was dead and Haku was gone. There was no war.

She shook her head, russet locks tossing around in charming disarray, before standing to follow Gabriel to the west. For a brief moment, she felt out of place, standing on two legs while he walked with four. She contemplated changing to match him, but simply continued on. As they neared the area that held caves turned into homes, she let herself slip from her preferred bipedal stance into the smaller coyote body she had been born in. She marveled some as her fingers closed in, becoming petite paws that carried an equally petite torso across the ground. Long legs contracted, losing mass, and her curls dispersed throughout the rest of her russet fur.

Her stress was eased as her paws took her into the large home that belonged to him. It had once been hers, and Faolin's, and Ezekiel's. Their home, long since used by only the old man who settled himself onto the pile of fur and grass her slept on. Crimson eyes scanned the room, surveying it out of nostalgia. Unlike the rest of the lands, there were no true memories that she could remember within the den. She could remember the smells of the fires, but she couldn't remember sleeping beside her mother or waking up to the sounds of Gabriel's movements. She blinked once, sighing softly as she took a place near the edge of her father's bedding, feeling that it would do her well not to mention that she couldn't remember the more pleasant moments of her life.


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