Standing on the Edge


SSWM: 745 Obnoxious table, haha sorry.


Farore finally arrived in the lands that she believed Nayru might be found in, but as soon as the yearling knew she had found the right area she slowed. Hesitated. The journey had been a long one and the four paws she traveled upon hurt like hell. The young girl had hardly taken any breaks, certainly never more than one night, as she had a lot of distance to cover in as little time as possible. Extracting from her parents the place they had come from had been hard. Mother hadn’t wanted to tell her at all and finally in secret Father had caved, telling the girl not to go there although he knew that was exactly what she had planned. Din and her had left in the middle of the night while the two love birds nested, knowing full well that their parents would continue on further and further away from the lands they had both once loved, as if they still had anything to run from. Yet run away they did, always. Even when Nayru had gotten separated they ran. And then when Din and her had left, they ran still letting their children make their own choices. And eventually Din had turned tail to keep running with them.

“She probably is dead Rore.” “She’s not.” Amethyst eyes stared hard into the fire of her sister’s orange and bitterly they parted. Lose one sister to find another. Maybe find the other one. Yet Farore never let herself feel any doubt as four paws, the front two ebony and the back two ivory, brought her closer and closer to the lands she was conceived in. They all could have been born here, and why Farore believed Nayru might be found there she wasn’t sure. It was an idea though, and it was the only one Farore had. Din knew where she was headed and hopefully one day would join her even if the girl had insisted she wouldn’t, but Farore couldn’t think of that. There had come a point when she could no longer justify wandering the earth with her parents, searching for something she knew they would never find, and perpetually dreaming of a tiny hybrid child that called herself Az. When Farore had left them the dreams of Az vanished and Farore was glad for it, even if she lost both Din and Nayru in one fell swoop.

Alone Farore had spent her first birthday, and she dreamed of Az then, but only once. Waking up frightened and sad Farore forced herself to keep walking that night. Long strides until her body protested so violently she collapsed and fell into another sleep. This time she dreamed only of Nayru and Din, the two of them as children, and strangely she wasn’t in her own dream. Waking up the sorrow still had not passed but at least the fear had and after finding water and food she continued on. One year old and one year wise. What did one year matter when she had spent it wandering aimlessly and continuously thinking of her sister who was indeed probably dead, as Din believed. What child could have survived on her own at four months old? Thinking this Farore realized it had been eight months since she had last seen the pink eyes of the girl, but then they all had been born with pink eyes and Farore’s had darkened in a deep lavender, Din’s brightened into fire and what would Nayru look like now?

Nearly a month after her birthday the unusually tall and slender creature knew she had found the right place because she passed through the burnt lands. New growth was now flourishing in many areas among the charred remains of the wildfire, but the long burnt scars on the ground and the tree trunk remained. Farore had no doubt as she crossed the mountain that she had finally arrived, months later, but at the top of the mountain she stopped. Suppose Nayru wasn’t to be found somewhere down there? Then what? Turn around? Go back? Finding the nomadic family of her’s would be impossible now, and there was no choice but to go down. Yet so weary and worn Farore stayed perched at the peak of the mountain, lingering there like a ghost or an angel staring down at the lands. As if just by being here Nayru would come to her, or if not Nayru someone else. Or something else.


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