This one's for you
Out of Character

WC: 322 OOC: You know the way to a man’s heart!

In Character

Shawchert felt horrible at his first impression upon the poor female. He knew that first impressions said many words about a wolf and he hadn’t made a very good one.

It is a pleasure to meet you. I am sorry for my reaction, we have been having some trouble with trespassers here lately.

He said, and it was true, they have a good few wolves trespassing in on their lands taking their food source and leaving. It was driving Shaw up the wall.

You are a singer hmmm? I know another who is a singer as well, her name is Sky. Well.. Sky Katruk

He said with a smile on his face… or course he wasn’t talking about his co-leader/ though they could easily get mixed up as they both had the same names. Shawchert watched as she rummaged through her back and finally came out with something wrapped in a cloth. Shawchert blinked, not sure what she was giving him and not sure he wanted to accept a gift. When he looked down at it, however he could smell the meat right through it. His mind was instantly changed as he accepted it. He took it and opened the cloth to see some very nice looking meat. He gave the woman a grateful smile. Pulling a chunk off he put it in his mouth smiling and chewing.

Thank you! So I suppose you’re looking for a place to live then?

Shawchert asked his mood was considerably better with the offering and the small bit in his stomach. He had helped many of his packmates find their homes, all of which seemed to like them. Shawchert had been the one to fix up many of the stores and houses worth working on. He now wanted to help her since she had helped him in a way, though taking food from someone meant they had less… but that was neither here nor there.

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Table by Shannon B


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