(J)Total Eclipse of the Heart

I guess Dawali will learn they are a couple at a later point in time. I won't be able to post much still so I thought I'd just make it all in one post - I hope this works for you Smile

The russet wolf lifted his head as he heard the knock, and as he realized who had come to see him, along with a stranger, he lifted himself from his high seat and stood up tall, supporting himself on the crude chair. It was not a chief's chair, but an ordinary one, merely made to he could sit on it comfortably without bending his knee too much to get on and off of it. The Chief responded to Ralla's greeting with a firm nod as she entered. She bowed more deeply than she did on other occasions, or so it seemed to him, and his yellow eyes studied the male behind her curiously. He, like Ralla, was white-furred, but there were scars over his eyes that drew attention. One glance at that area told the experienced medic that the male would have some damage to his eyesight, if his eyes worked at all. Still, he could only glance, and he focused on Ralla as she itroduced the two males to each other. He did not mind her bringing the stranger to him; he was unable to move from this place as of now, and was only glad that Ralla was dedicated enough to take extra responsibility for her tribe. Nodding, "very well," he shifted his entire focus onto Kemo.

"I assume you do not come to us empty-handed," The Chief began, moving his hands in patterns as he spoke, the movements carrying no meaning in themselves but enhancing that of his words. He shifted his focus onto Ralla and continued his sentence. "... and I assume you have already assessed his worth for our tribe, Ralla." One hand was lifted to his chin as he considered the stranger for a brief moment, still quite obviously intending to continue speaking any moment. Kemo was fit and looked able. Perhaps blind, but he could still be useful in his own way - perhaps he had a particularly strong nose, due to his impaired vision? If so, he would undoubtedly be a valuable scout. Ralla would not have brought him here, had he been useless to them. "Welcome, then, Kemo. I trust Ralla to show you our tribe. May you feel at home." he finally said, smiling very briefly at his highest ranked Fire Keeper before turning around to get into his chair again. The conversation, as far as Chief Dawali was concerned, was over.


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