The pup in the town hall
Saphrinas chest rose slightly and fell a small snore could be heard. Her dreams were fearful yet again. A forest fire and her parents running. The bright light she had seen when she was but a tiny tiny little pup. In her dream saphrina was runnin as fast as she could on tiny legs. She had found her mother under a tree while the fire was rageing across her home land. Saphrina stayed with her mother as long as she could. Saphrina licked her mother and had to leave her. Saphrina searched for her father by the riverbed where they had said they would meet. and sure enough, he was there. "Daddy" she said to him Her father had turned to her and said "Wheres your mother?" saphrina had looked down and said "She got stuck.. under a tree.." Her father looked at saphrina and growled loudly jumping on saphrina and attacking her biteing out her eye and giveing her all the wounds she came with. he finnaly thought she had had enough and left her there to die. but saphrina didnt give up and walked for as long as she posibly could being attacked by another wolf. Saphrinas heart raced and she woke up breathing heavily. She jumped up her heart raceing a mile a minute she swung her head back and forth looking at her surroundings scared of where she was she jumped down from the cot and hit under it

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